Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bingham Homecoming

I'd like to "CART" your "BUNS" to Homecoming.  Search the buns to find out who I am!
Getting ready
Getting bugged because I am taking pictures
Megan & Riley
So cute
Some of the Gang!!
Cute girl
Megan got asked to Homecoming 2 weeks ago.  Of course they don't just ask ~ "hey will you go with me"?No, they have to ask in creactive, cute ways.  Well it happened to be the busiest week shes yet to have.  It took her 3 days to reply.  To keep with the "BUNS" theme she replied "I'd be a weiner if I didn't go to Homecoming with you" and left a package of hotdogs in his room.  So once we finished that, the hunt for the dress started.  Megan and Carly went to the mall last Friday night and found some dresses and put them on hold.  Saturday Tammy (carlys mom) and I went and approved them ~ or not.  Meg had found one for 15 dollars.  Can you say score?  Well it was way to short.  We found another one that looked just like it but was longer.  We bought it and then went to another store and found this cute one that she wore.  I am so not excited for future dress shopping.  Wow did I miss my mom this week :)  If she was here Megs dress would of been longer and had better straps.  Since she is not here we had to do with my limited ability.  But a cute girl can make anything look good.  I begged her to wear one of the 21 dresses we have in CA.  Since they are 20 years old and none of us were tall, that didn't work too well either.  Char had some that Meg liked and would of worn, but Meg is like a foot taller than Char ~ so needless so say they were "WAY" too short.

For Homecoming these days they do day activities  So at noon they all went to Herriman Beach.  They played in the sand, skimed boarded and had a cayak.  They said they had lots of fun, even though the water was "way cold".  She was 30 minutes late to her hair appointment and by the time we got home she had 20 minutes to get her make-up on and get dressed.  She was a little stressed.  She pulled it of and was ready 5 minutes late ~ and looked very pretty.  Carly on the other hand was 30 minutes late.  They all hung out in our yard waiting for her. They were all irritated that we still wanted pictures.  Finally they were off to dinner at Olive Garden.  Cute Riley and Miles asked "Um when do they need to be home"  Oh yeah we forgot our little girls were going on their first date.  I said 9 but Tammy and Brandon said 12.  Carlys dad and I didn't want them to even go.  Brandon and Tammy set all the rules :)  They were home right a midnight.  We have some good kids and they have some great friends.  They had a GREAT time.


The Lilly's said...

Wow, this brings back memories... The dreaded dress search, wishing I had my mom's sewing skills, Steph getting bugged at me wanting to take pictures... Good luck the next 3years! Despite it all, she looked so cute!

Anonymous said...

Megan - you looked absolutely GORGEOUS! Grandpa Ken is suffering from apoplexy and I'm sitting here yelling...YOU GO GIRL!!!

Christine and Brandon...all we can do is laugh. You have so MANY of these things to come...not only more with Megan, but McKenzie, as well. We'd just like to say, "Welcome to the middle part of parenthood."

Love you guys,

Suz said...

Meggers, you look BEAUTIFUL!!! I hope you had a blast.

dorneys said...

thanks guys your the best!!(: i had lots of un suzzy q(:

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh I've been waiting to see pictures!!! You look beautiful Meg!!! Sounds like you had a blast. Cant wait for all the other dances to come. Ill live through you all again!

Christine...are you kidding me. you did a great job on her dress! If it would have been me we would have needed to find another dress or go with the good old shrug.

love it guys!!!

EmmaP said...

Very cute. Keenan's homecoming dance was this past weekend too. I need to get the pics up. And I do NOT lookg forward to dress shopping either. But thankfully, I have at least 4 more years before that starts. Although I did just shell out about $100 for Keenan's new slacks, dress shirt and tie to match his date's dress!

Love Meg's hair here. And I laughed when you said 9 and Brandon said 12. I about died when Keenan didn't come home until 2. (I was on Lortab and passed out and forgot to tell him MIDNIGHT!!!)