Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of school......

This year was new schools for both girls. Megan started high school. Here in Utah 9th grade is in Jr High. Mckenzie started Jr High. We have a sophmore and a 7th grader. YIKES!! Where does the time go? To say they were scared to death would be an under statement. They were terrified, both of them. 7th graders went to school Friday with out 8th and 9th graders there. It gave them a chance to find their classes and lockers without a ton of kids. Not sure it helped with her nerves though. Megan went a few days earlier with some friends to find her classes. But she was so scared to go to Bingham. She was afraid of getting lost. But, they both survived and are having lots of fun.


The Lilly's said...

Oh my gosh, they both look so cute! Now that school has started, we need to try to do lunch!

Suz said...

I know those nerves. I am glad they survived. I knew they would. They both look beautiful! I love them so much.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Megan is that a batman backpack??