Friday, October 21, 2011

Gifts for Kids

 Sliding down the hill while the parents were deciding where we should eat for dinner.
 Go ahead run way to go Kenzie
 This cheer is a cheer Brandon does before every bracket home game.
 Tayah and Mckenzies first game together.  Doesn't she look good in RED??
 Way to go girls!
 2nd place

After game chat. 
We went to Mesquite last weekend.  The girls took 2nd place out of 26 teams from Utah,Nevada, Hawaii, and Arizona.  The Championship game was finished at 1:30am Saturday night.  It sure made for a long day.  The games were behind before they even started.  One of the Umps were late.  It made for a super long day with many hours between games.  I will say it was the funnest tournament since Meg played with Viperz.  The away tournaments are always the most fun.  You get to know the girls and their families.  Us moms sure had a fun time ~ and some dads!  1am many things seem real funny.  The games were great.  I haven't cheered like that in a long time. 


Anonymous said...

Congrats Kenzie.....Way to go
This blog helps an old guy know whats happening..THANKS!!!
Grandpa Ken

Suz said...

so proud of you Kenzie and your awesome coach!