Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bingham Christmas Dance

 Megan got asked to the Christmas dance last week. 

 She answered likes this.  She wrote the answer in the can of Hot Chocolate.
 Carly made the snow angel in his room.
 For what ever reason you wear matching pajamas to this dance.  They went shopping the other day and came home with these.  They are sure cute.
We planned to go to CA this weekend.  Then Meg got asked to the dance.  So Brandon and Mckenzie flew out to see the Hoyts.  I was supposed to work today ( i never ever work on saturdays)   a friend took 3 of my shifts after Christmas if I would work today.  So DUH I agreed.  Forgetting about the dance and the trip to CA.  When I told Meg I had to work and she would be on her own.  She freaked out.  "No way that is like sending me to a desert island and never coming back for me" she said.   I said ok fine I will use my time at work and not go in.  We had a funeral in our ward today so I went to that.  I helped out in the kitchen with the food and the clean up.  Megan called me 3 times in a panic that I wasn't going to be home before she left.  As you can see there wasn't much to her getting ready.   I left the church quickly to get home to help her.  All she wanted was me to be home with her.  She was all ready, because they had hung out and played games earlier.  It sure is nice to be needed though.  It doesn't happen too much with this child.


EmmaP said...

That's cute! I wish Woods Cross high would do a PJ dance -- or even an Ugly Christmas Sweater Dance. IT would sure cost a lot less! I lucked out though and only had to get Keenan a new tie to match his date's dress.

Next up is Junior Prom (January) and then Sweethearts (February).... I can't believe it.

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she "needed" you. :)

The Lilly's said...

They look so cute! What a good mom you are to take a sick day for her. Will your dad be in Napa for Christmas? We'll be there so I figured I'd found out if there was any chance you'd be there too... since that's the only time we ever seem to catch up with each other!