Thursday, December 29, 2011


 Megan and her cute buddy
 a family that dances together......
 Everyone doing reindeer dust to make sure Santa comes to see Maggie
 The girls with some stranger
 Christmas pajamas
 Brandon trying to wake up the sleepy heads
" look what Santa brought"
 Easton even got spoiled
The nice thing about the girls is theirs are fake.

Christmas Eve we went to Maggie's house and had dinner, a Christmas story and danced.  We came home and did our own thing.  Christmas we a great day.  Loved the weather NO SNOW :)  We did lots of laying around and doing a lot of nothing.  It was fabulous!  Some of the Coleman's came for dinner and hung out, and danced some more.  We love Just Dance 3, Santa also brought Glee Karaoke.  We have been rocking out.  Lots of family time at the Dorney house.  We will be sick of each other :)