Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cute little Babies

 Mckenzie with Dallin, Bronwyn, Kedrick and Ethan.  I assume the chicks are in the box next to Kenzi.

 I remember the girls loved this chick. They played with it several times when we went out there. Oh how it makes me so sad to see them so big. But I do love my life. They are so grown up, we can come and go as we please, don't have diapers and strollers etc. I loved them little but not too sure I would ever want to go back. We are in a good place right now :) Looking at these pictures and others in Napa, makes me sad that my mom isn't there and these are just memories with no more to make. No more camping trips with Grandma to the beach, no more sleep overs. Boy did they have so much fun at Grandma and Grandpas. Never a dull moment.