Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sweet Hearts

 Her invitation to Keaton for the dance.
 His bedroom when she was finished.
 His reply..............
 finally getting the puzzle put together :)

 Abbi doing Megs hair

 the back view

Tonight was Binghams Sweet hearts dance.  Meg took one of her good friends Keaton.  He goes to Herriman.  They went Ice skating today and were having dinner at a friends house and 6 couples were all going together.  She looks so pretty. A cute neighbor did her hair for her, it was really cute.


The Lilly's said...

Love the red and black, they look so sharp!

Anonymous said...

Megan is beautiful, but that's nothing new. :) I hope they had a fantastic time!


EmmaP said...

so cute! And I love the Waterfall Braid (although my arms are not long enough to go all the way around the back! :) )