Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It is true we have a teenager. UGH!! 13 years ago today started the longest 10 days or our married life. Megan came into this world, not too sure if she wanted to stay. But she fought really hard and we are blessed to have her in our lives today. I can't believe 13 years old. She started out so cute, and now she is so very pretty. Meg we love you and are very proud of you. We hope you have a good day.


The Lilly's said...

I remember when you had her, I was at work at Beehive, and they announced it overhead and said the usual..."mother and baby are doing fine". Then I talked to my mom later and found out baby was not doing so fine!! And now that she's a teenager you've got a whole new set of worries for you and Brandon! ha ha... She's a beautiful girl, better watch out for those teenage boys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Meg! Watching you grow up with Tevita has been a lot of fun; you're a beautiful girl - stay that way!
Love you, The Gerbers!

Suz said...

Um yea, I got a taste of teenager when I called your house. Oh well! It was like "um yea, Suz stop talking I have more important things to do than talk to you". LOL! Seriously though, I am proud of the young woman you are becoming. YOU ARE GORGEOUS MEG! I LOVE YOU!

Shirley said...

Beautiful pictures Megan and you get more pretty every year.
Aunt Shirley