Friday, March 13, 2009

We were able to get some last family pictures. What a blessing it was that we were able to get everyone together. We are very lucky to have 5 generations. Every time we went to Napa we tried to get Great Grandma Bowen so we could get pictures, she always says she isn't going to be around much longer. Never in a million years did we think my mom would go first. But she did. Sorry Grandma!! You get to be with us for a little longer :) Today it has been 2 weeks. I was talking to my sisters today. I know imagine that. On one hand it feels like yesterday, and on another it feels like forever. It is good to be back home. But I miss my Napa home more than ever. We talked about if we had the chance to bring her back would we. We decided we would not. We know she is in a better place,happy, and having fun. We will have to find a new normal to our lives now. Hopefully sooner than later. We love you mom!! We will see you when we get there........


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Beautiful pictures! We have been thinking about you a lot Christine. Hope you know we love you. I'm sure you have good days and bad days, just remember that the bad days will go away. Hopefully we can see you guys soon. Love you!