Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things I have Learned.....Somethings I have been reminded of, and some new gratitudes

* Cancer Sucks
* Life is not fair
* Mothers can never be replaced
* Who our real friends are
* Who truly cares for us
* Watching the cycle of death is fascinating
* I miss my mom
* We have a new "NORMAL" still searching for the normal
* Life does go on
* I miss home
* Time does heal
* Prayer is real
* Little Sisters can teach you a lot
* I am grateful for my sisters
* Glad I have sisters and not brothers :)
* My dad is the best dad
* My friends and family that check on me via phone, email, text, just to say hi or see how I am doing. Even if I don't answer or respond they still ask
* Some one always has it worse
* My new moms (you know who you are)
* I wasn't 5 years old when my mom died
* My kids are old enough to remember all the fun things Grandma did with them
* I know I will see her again

I went to Napa this weekend. We had a great time. We talked a lot. Laughed a ton, and got to visit with friends that will never go away. Char and I talked Friday night into Saturday morning. We had a great talk, learned many leassons, and had lots of AH HA moments. It was great. Thanks Char. She is still paying for the late hour.


EmmaP said...

great list. i love "ah-ha" moments. seems I've had lots of those too. hope you're doing well... i know it's a cliche thing to say, but I really hope that for you. i haven't gone through what you have, but I will say i know what you mean about the new "normal" is searching for normal. searching for normal has definitely become my new normal.

when things settle down, we definitely need to get together. we should do a girls night or something... let me know! miss you!

take care!

Suz said...

I LOVE YOUR LIST! I always laugh when I think of your mom carting a turkey from Napa to SLC. What a great lady. Treasure the memories and allow yourself time to heal.

I wish I could be there for you in person. Sorry it is just my silly text messages or phone calls.

I love you!

ScottKarenandAustin said...

You made me cry...love you Dorn.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

New "normal"...I'm sorry that you have to get use to a new norm. Remember that you can become a stronger and better person because of this challenge in life. Please let me know if Whit or I can do anything for you! We love you!

Kimberly said...
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Kimberly said...

I love how open and honest your list is. Things will get better day by day, but nothing will replace your mom's presence. I am so grateful that you have peace in knowing that you will see her again. You are in our thoughts daily.

Kelly said...

I love all that you have learned. You looked beautiful Sunday. I'm glad I have sisters too. What would the world be without them? Your blog is great, and I love what you did with your Mom's blog too.