Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Here is a picture from Meg's tournament this weekend.

Our new Neighbors...........

We have had some new neighbors move in. They are very noisy. My dad made us this cool birdhouse last year. He has a book on making birdhouses. We all got to choose our house. This is the one I choose. Notice the DR Pepper machine. In case they get thirsty. There are about 4 birds living in this cute house. The one sounds very bossy and mean. They took turns today looking out of the hole. I stood inside the house and took the pictures. I thought they were cool.

Way to go Viperz!!

Megans softball team had a tournament this weekend. They went undefeated and took 1st place. They played 3 games Friday and 3 games Saturday. Meg played great. She had some really good hits. My dad came, we had a good time with him too. Of course I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures of Meg playing. Her next tournament is in 2 1/2 weeks. We are going to Steamboat Colorado. It is always a fun one. My dad will be there for that one too. Michelle and Derek always come. We have lots of fun. I will have my camera there for that one. Mckenzie has a tournament this weekend. I will remember the camera.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Well 10 years ago we were blessed with the chubbiest baby ever. The start was a little rocky. She had some breathing problems, but was taken very good care of in the NICU. Wow Mckenzie can't believe it has been 10 years. We love you and are so happy to have you in our "little" family.
The boot picture is awesome. We found it when we were going through my mom and dads photo albums looking for pictures for the funeral. No one remembers when it was taken we all just recognize the dimply bum. Now her cute little bum has no dimples :) Happy Birthday, We love you and hope you havea great day Mckenz!!

Happy 10th Birthday Mckenzie!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

We had Mckenzies Birthday party Friday night. The girls wore their pajamas and had lots of fun. They each made their own personal pizzas, they decorated their own cupcakes made in icecream cones, danced, and watched Nancy Drew. Happy Birthday Mckenzie We love you, and hope you have a great Birthday!