Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our new Neighbors...........

We have had some new neighbors move in. They are very noisy. My dad made us this cool birdhouse last year. He has a book on making birdhouses. We all got to choose our house. This is the one I choose. Notice the DR Pepper machine. In case they get thirsty. There are about 4 birds living in this cute house. The one sounds very bossy and mean. They took turns today looking out of the hole. I stood inside the house and took the pictures. I thought they were cool.


EmmaP said...

that is sooo cute. the bossy one must be the "wife" - hahaha! sounds like something my dad would do...build a birdhouse. Love the DP machine!

Anonymous said...

Love the Birdhouse - the birds look cute sticking their heads out of the door!

The Lilly's said...

Your dad's awesome, I love the birdhouse! Sounds like Megan has a really good team, and that the Dorney's will be racking up lots of miles this summer! Let me know when you have a spare day so we can get together.

Nick, Chris, Livvy, Calli and Keira said...

How cute. That was so sweet of your dad. And thumbs up to the DP machine in front. Looks good!