Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Well 10 years ago we were blessed with the chubbiest baby ever. The start was a little rocky. She had some breathing problems, but was taken very good care of in the NICU. Wow Mckenzie can't believe it has been 10 years. We love you and are so happy to have you in our "little" family.
The boot picture is awesome. We found it when we were going through my mom and dads photo albums looking for pictures for the funeral. No one remembers when it was taken we all just recognize the dimply bum. Now her cute little bum has no dimples :) Happy Birthday, We love you and hope you havea great day Mckenz!!


Suz said...

OMGosh! You need to submit that to a calendar manufactuer.

Hard to believe she is 10.

Love you Kenzie!

Sandee said...

What a great pic! LOVE it! Do you think you could flash that picture on a wall at her wedding reception?

EmmaP said...

oh my gosh. it seems like yesterday! i started at Delta when you were pregnant with her. was that really ten years ago??? wow!

Anonymous said...

I remember that cute little bum! Happy Birthday McKenzie Lou!

The Lilly's said...

That picture is awesome!! I sure wish my butt looked more like Mckenzie's does now, sadly it resembles the dimple cheeks more!