Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Megan ~ 14 years old...yikes!!!

She got her favorite cake BTS cake.

3 grandpas came to help us celebrate.

Earings she has been wanting for so long. She wore them today and they broke.UGH!

New white vans yeah!

We had the family over for dinner and cake. It was lots of fun. Everyone in Utah was there and Grandpa Kortz came from Napa. He flew in for dinner and the party he went home later that night. Thanks Grandpa for coming!!! It was fun to have you here.


EmmaP said...

looks like fun!

Suz said...

I wish we could have been there. I miss those parties. I am hoping to make it out there in May.

Meg...PLEASE Try and come out next week.

dorneys said...

i will try way hard suz!! kay?

The Lilly's said...

Wow, only two more years till the big 16! I remember when you had her, there's no way that was 14 years ago!