Friday, March 5, 2010

Maybe we should find new sport....

Megan with her new tatoo. It was hit hard. You can really see the stitches from the ball.

This is really gross, but kind of cool.

Megan at her first Volleyball game.
Softball seems to have it in for the Dorney family. Brandon has 2 pins in his hand. Meg has the strings across her forehead. She was at practice the other night. They practice in the gym at the high school. The girl she was warming up with, thought she was looking then... BOOM!!! it hit her forehead!! Maybe we can get her sold on Volleyball..... Yeah right that will never happen:)


Suz said...

Oh my gosh... maybe you all should just stay in.

The Lilly's said...

I can't imagine getting hit that hard that it would actually leave the string mark! You and Mackenzie better watch're next!

krd1210 said...

I'm suggesting "underwater basketweaving" as a new endeavor..;..
oh wait, that won't work, one of them would get bitten by a fish.

Grandpa Ken

EmmaP said...

Above Water basket weaving? hmmm... never mind. you could get slivers =D

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

What the heck! Those aren't stitches, that's just the mark the ball left?? Crazy!

Anonymous said...

I suggest rolls of bubble wrap for
everyone's Christmas present this year. Maybe Easter would be better.

Nice pins, Brandon.
