Thursday, March 25, 2010

A New Dress

The finished dress.

she got a little pooped out and feel asleep while I sewed.
the finishing touches.
Two years ago I made the girls Easter dresses. Brandon was out of time and we went to the fabric store and spent a "TON" of money. We bought patterns and material to make a few dresses and some skirts. Well I got 2 dresses done one for each of them. Mckenzie still wears hers and of course Megan is way to old to wear her's. Last weekend we were supposed to go to Minneapolis to visit the Hoyts :) well when Friday rolled around all the flights were full. So we had to stay home. Mckenzie asked if she could help me make her a dress. So Friday night and Saturday we made a dress. It turned out so cute and she did do most of the sewing, with a little help of course. She was so proud. I will post a picture of the finished product on her.


The Lilly's said...

What a cute spring dress! I'm so impressed that she did most the work herself. She's carrying on the Kortz tradition... Grandma Kortz is very proud, I'm sure!

EmmaP said...

way cool!