Monday, May 24, 2010

Family Pictures.....

For what ever reason I could not get any of the pictures to post. So I was bugged and just made a slide of all the pictures. Yes there are lots ~ sorry. I do have to say "Our girls are beautiful"

Monday, May 10, 2010

Megan hitting a double.

Mckenzie safe at home.

Megan and some of her Buds!

Brandon ~ the cutest umpire there!

Megan and Jonas.

Mckenzie and Jonas.

Mckenzies team put on a small tournament Saturday. Her team only played one game they played a 12 and under team. Yes of course we beat them. Mckenzie had to pitch 5 feet farther back than normal and did a great job. Megan had a great hit. A nice clean double. Way to go Meg!! Since the Bullets were in charge, Brandon got to umpire. There was a misunderstanding so we were short an umpire short. I heard he did a fabulous job. Sweet baby Jonas and his mom and dad came a watched a few games. They are sweet to come sit in the wind. Jonas had to hang out for forever to get a picture with Megan. Thanks Jonas for being such a good sport. It was fun to have you guys there. Grandma and Suzanne also came for all the games. Thanks for your support. Suzanne it was fun to have you there. Grandma thanks for always being there :)

Happy Birthday Mckenzie

The girls playing with their bubbles. Keira just hanging out with Uncle

Mckenzies birthday was Wednesday. We had the family over for cake and ice cream friday night. Its always fun to be together. Suzanne took Mckenzie shopping earlier that day. She wanted to make sure Mckenzie got just what she wanted and then some. Always has to be spoiled :) She finally got some Beiber wear Mckenzie told her. She also got a Rip Stick she has been wanting. We told her she wasn't getting one. Looks like she has got the hang of it. Happy Birthday Mckenzie ~ 11 years old. We love so so much!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Megan is the new Betty Crocker. She made these cute cute cupcakes and
and cake, while we were at the U game. Megan saw them in a magazine and
wanted to make them. She figured them out all by herself. She is very

The girls and their very cute coach......

Mckenzie't team got to be a "Lil Ute" They go to a Univeristy of Utah Softball game and get introduced with the "big girls" it is something fun for the girls to do with their team.

We went to St George 2 weeks ago for softball. I know shocker!! We made a little mini vacation out of it. The weather wasn't the best, but we still had fun. I didn't take very many pictures because I left the battery charger at home and yes of course the batteries were low. I wanted to have some for the end of the tournament if they went all the way. Megan of course had the biggest rooting section (like always) Grandpa Kortz drove with us. Grandpa and Grandma Coleman came down. A friend of Grandpas watched games on Saturday and a family friend that used to live down the street from us in Napa and now lives in St George and came to watch a game. They came in 5th place out of 12 teams. Not too bad for the begining of the Season. They are a young team. Teams that won were from Vegas so they play all year long, and they were very big girls, and very good.