Monday, September 13, 2010


Not sure there is any other word that describes this awesome picture.
A dear friend of my moms drew this not long after my mom died. She made four copies for us. Char had told me Amber made one for each of us, and tried to explain how it looks.
Well she did it no justice. They have sat under Chars bed since Amber gave them to her, over a year ago. We didn't know how to get them from California to Colorado and Utah without bending them. Well is just so happened that my dad moved a friend this last weekend from California to Kansas. His two stops on the way are Utah and Colorado. So we finally got your pictures. I am sure Amber would be dying if she heard me call it a picture. The correct name is a Lithograph. I will be honest when I walked into my dads house and saw it hanging for the first time, and seeing it for the first time it took my breath away. It is so so real, and I didn't quit like it. It was nothing against Amber she did a fabulous job. It just made me sad. Look at the detail. Her hands are just like I remember them, those dang glasses are right were they always were and a ten others everywhere else. I am excited to have my own copy now. I can't wait to get it matted and framed. Thank you Amber it was so thoughtful of you to think of us.
The correct description of the art is ~ it is a lithograph. it was hand drawn in lithographic crayon on a slab of french limestone. it was then carefully "etched" into the stone using a chemical process,and printed by hand rolling ink onto the stone, placing paper over the image and pushing through a hand cranked lithographic press. So instead of calling it a picture I should be calling it "ART"


The Lilly's said...

Wow, that really is amazing. I can see how it would have quite an impact on you when you first saw it.

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful Christine - it is a work of art and looks so much like your Mom - I loved her smile,

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

What a precious gift, that is so amazing that people have talents like that. I'm so glad that you have your own to look at all the time. My heart goes out to you and thinking of your mom. Love you!

Kelly said...

I can't believe how perfect the artwork is. If I would have seen the picture first I would have instantly known it was your Mom. I think about her often. She taught me so much!

EmmaP said...

It was probably a good thing to have waited to have it. It is simply beautiful... made me cry. Glad you are able to have such a gift like that!