Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Margaret Rachel

She already has uncle Brandon wrapped around her finger
I love the cheeks
Jonas wasn't too sure what to think about all the hype
so so sweet, thanks uncle Whit

We have a sweet new neice/cousin. Little Maggie was born August 27. She has a special place in my heart. She was born on my mom's birthday. I like to think she sent her down with a little kiss for me:) I know I am a little corny. She is the sweetest thing ever. We were able to go to the hospital and see them. Mckenzie was not old enough, she couldn't go into the room. So uncle Whit was no nice to bring her down the hall so Kenz could see her in real life. Jonas and Maggie have the best parents ever. We love them and are so proud of them.


The Lilly's said...

I love that she was born on your mom's birthday!

Trisha said...

What a little sweetheart. It's crazy but, that's my birthday too. I feel very lucky to share it with such special people.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

You took some good pictures!!! Maggie looks like a little buddha baby even though she's not! Love you guys and we couldn't be happier to share a birthday with one special lady.

Suz said...

I LOVE the picture of Maggie's little hand and Brandon's finger. That is so precious.

Angela Jarman said...

She's adorable! They are in my thoughts and prayers.