Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good Golly text messages....

I was looking and our cell phone account information this morning. We all know Meg is a social butterfly, but geez 13,130. Yes you are seeing that correctly, she text 13,130 texts last month. She hardly ever talks on the phone,now I know why. She is too busy pressing letters. The weird thing is, is her phone is broke so on the screen of her phone there is like 1/8 of an inch of screen she can read from. Its crazy that she still reads that many. Oh to be young again.


The Lilly's said...

I miss the old days, when your parents could overhear your phone conversations with your friends! Good thing the cell providers offer unlimited texting, huh?!

Suz said...

It is the stupidest thing ever!!! I tell Rylee, "you would save so much time if you would just call" I think they are afraid of that form of communication.