Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good bye Tinker

All Mckenzie asked for was one last picture, so here it is.
Last Tuesday I made the longest drive ever. I met Brandon at the Humane Society. We decided it was time to send Tinker on to see my mom :) She has been deaf and blind for some time now. We have talked about it for a while, but continued to put it off for obvious reasons. She started falling down the stairs. She would follow me into the bedrooms and slip on the hardwood floors and was not able to get up. Her poor hind legs just couldn't hold her up any more. She was like a cat. Where ever I was, there was Tinker. I would go into the basement over and over and she would follow me time and time again. I was not allowed to be out of her sight. She never complained you could just see the pain in her poor eyes. We made several calls as to when they do it and how much it costs. We knew they had 3 time slots a day. I and made an appointment and within an hour she was gone. It wasn't something I wanted to make an appointment for and have to wait for days. So we just did it. I stayed in the car while Brandon took her in. It was the longest 20 minutes thats for sure. It was mean to have him do it by himself. But we both didn't need to be balling. I finally put her pillow that has been in our room now for almost 5 years away in the basement. She was by far the best dog any one could ever ask for. She obeyed better than any child. All we did was snapped our fingers and she did what ever it was you were asking of her. She never barked, and literally was like a cat. In the sense of being quite. Not annoying like a cat :) She was a great dog for the last 12 years.
Oh TINKER we love and miss you!!


Anonymous said...

All good dogs go to heaven. It wouldn't BE heaven without our pets.

The Ogre and Fiona