Monday, February 7, 2011

Hello 82 degree weather

My fantastic photography. At least you can see she loves it and is smiling :)
Half of the gang. Char, Ethan, me, Dad, and Mick

Look at the Rose between the 2 thorns!! remember the sun was very hot and bright being the reason my eyes are closed :)
Yes I said 82 degrees! I went to Napa friday for the weekend. Haley had a dance recital, so I decided to go. The girls both had softball practice so they couldn't go. It was a good excuse to have a party/bar b que. Haley sure must be loved. There was lots of people there to cheer her on, and see her do what she so loves to do. DANCE!! I had a great time, so glad I went. I do have to say. Haley is by far the best dancer on her team. That being said I know nothing about dance either. She was Great!! Way to go Haley. Yes I know the pictures are terrible. I couldnt get one of her dancing ~ no flashes, the one I did get I snuck in :)


The Lilly's said...

I heard about how incredible the weather was in Napa this weekend. I think I would have been drug back to Utah kicking and screaming.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Ok, next time me and Maggie want to come with you!! We need 82 degree weather badly. Glad that you enjoyed yourself, you deserve it!