Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Home Run ~ Megan

~Home Run ~Playing first base

The whole team. A cute bunch of girls.
Megan had a tournament this last weekend in Las Vegas. The only time I took out my camera out of my bag was for one inning. So excited it happened to be her home run!! I didn't see the hit, just heard :) My face was in the camera. It was a hard hit grounder down the first base line, and just rolled for forever. It was so excited. Way to go Meg ~ we are so proud of you. They played 6 games. Lost 3 and won 3. We were finished early Sunday. We were proud of how they played, considering they have only practiced inside a gym on the hardwood. The other teams were from Las Vegas and California. We did play a team from Canada. So far to come to play softball. We had a fun weekend.


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

That is so AWESOME megan! A home run WAHOO!! You guys just keep going to the warm weather don't you. Jealous

Kelly said...

What an accomplishment! Way to go Megan!