Saturday, August 27, 2011

~ Happy Birthday ~

We love and miss you, we think of you every day. "See you when we get there"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bat girl and the Bees game

Megan and the Bat boy that showed her the ropes.

Megan getting one the few bats she went and got. She was so embarrassed she had to wear a helmet. It was too big for her so when she walked it was all over the place.

Yep that's her getting another bat.

I will say she was the cutest one out there :)

Rich, Mo, and I.

Mckenzie running the bases after the game.

Giving dad 5.

Showing us her free dinner certificate to Spaghetti Factory, for running the bases.

I have a friend at work that works for the Bees. Megan had wanted to be the bat girl. She found a game that was actually here and one she could attend. I asked Paul if he could make it happen. Sure enough he came through. Thanks Paul! Meg had a blast. She was too embarrassed to get out there and get the bats. I sent her a text ad told her she better get out there and be a bat girl or she would be grounded :) Well she finally did get out there, I am sure it was because she was afraid of being grounded :) I am like that you know. Mo and Rich King were here for the night. Rich was in CO for work. They stopped by on their way home and went to the game with us. We sure love and miss them.

Mo is a twin, Her parents both died when her and Kate were very young. My mom was their nanny after their mom died. We don't think of them as not family. Its really weird to think we are not related :) We had a great visit with them. While they were in CO Mo was able to hang out with Michelle and Char all week. All 3 of us got to see Mo ~ we are sure lucky!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

School shopping in LA.....

getting new bras ~ yep no dressing room.

Last Monday we went to Los Angels with my friend Joni from work and her 2 girls. We flew out on the 8:30am flight and came back on the 6:00pm flight from LAX. We barely made it back to the airport in time. We had so much fun and success getting all kinds of clothes, bras, jeans, shirts,shoes, and a purse for Grandma. It was great. The girls had so much fun. This was the first time Mckenzie went, she wasn't sure she even wanted to go. The first few hours were miserable for her. Everything she liked, they were out of in her size. She finally found some cute stuff. Not as much as Megan did. Maybe next year she will be bigger and able to fit in some "BIG" girl clothes. We looked at fun cute dresses for dances at school. Joni's daughter is old enough for dances. They had so much fun looking a them. We know where we will be going to get Megs prom dresses (assuming she goes :) they are cute and cheap. Won't have to worry about any one else having the same one! Trips like this is when I LOVE my job. I have to go on them to remind me, its not such a bad job.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Making jelly like Grandma

We have been out of strawberry jelly for several months now :( My girls are so stinky and spoiled they wont eat store bought strawberry jelly. Mckenzie and I make jelly last week and it took all day. Mckenzie was a trooper and stayed with me all day. We had our own system down, we made a huge mess but it was worth it. As you can see we made a little much. There will be no running out this year :) I even made Brandon some rasberry. He doesn't like strawberry, this year I remembered while the mess was out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finally a well deserved First Place

Both girls had a tournament this weekend. It was fabulous they both played in Spanish Fork. We stayed in Payson at the Perkins. They both started Thursday morning and ended Saturday night. They only had one game that over lapped, I only missed one of Mckenzies games. Megan started at 7am and ended at 10:30pm Saturday. They played through the loosers bracket. They played 7 games and only had 1, 1 hour break. Mckenzie played 4 games Saturday and took 4th place. They played great. They had 2 games that came down to the last out. Mckenzie has lots of battle wounds. She was playing short stop and had a grounder pop up and hit her in the tummy, knocked the wind out of her, there was a girl running from 2nd to 3rd and ran Mckenzie over as if she wasn't even there. Knocked her flat on her back. But she got up and kept playing. Meg had a great tournament. She played 2nd base the whole weekend, and had so many great plays. We are so proud of both girls, they ended their seasons with a BANG!!