Friday, August 12, 2011

Making jelly like Grandma

We have been out of strawberry jelly for several months now :( My girls are so stinky and spoiled they wont eat store bought strawberry jelly. Mckenzie and I make jelly last week and it took all day. Mckenzie was a trooper and stayed with me all day. We had our own system down, we made a huge mess but it was worth it. As you can see we made a little much. There will be no running out this year :) I even made Brandon some rasberry. He doesn't like strawberry, this year I remembered while the mess was out.


Suz said...

I LOVE YOUR JAM!!!! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

EmmaP said...

Is it freezer jam? I love strawberry jellies and jams! My favorite!