Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas came early for Meg....

 This is so much fun ~ in the waiting room
 cheese ~ good thing I had to be here at 8:30
 oh this hurts so bad
 bye see you in a few hours
 lah lah land
 get me out of here, I just want to go home

About a year ago Megan hurt her shoulder in practice.  She complained and complained.  We went to Doctor after Doctor, sports medicine doctor, physical therapy.  We tried to ignore it, thinking she was being a bit of a baby.  A few months ago she woke up at 2:30 am crying because her shoulder hurt.  That is when I received "mother of the year" award.  She wouldn't be waking up at 2:30 just for the heck of it.  We made an appointment to get a MRI.  They had to use a needle to inject the dye to see what was going on.  It showed a torn labrum.  Her shoulder in loose genetically any way.  We met with the surgeon and the MRI was worse than we had thought.  So needless to say we opted for surgery.  Had we taken care of the problem a year ago, therapy may have solved the problem.  But since we said buck up she played with it and it got worse.  So she will miss high school ball completely and possibly some of summer ball.  Poor baby.  She wanted her legs shaved so I got to shave her legs, can't say I have ever shaved anyone else's legs.  She has to sleep on the recliner down stairs, so we have had sleepover since Thursday down in the basement.  For the most part she is doing well.  Drugs are great.  We have tried to go longer between pills.  Getting dressed is the worst, she can not move her shoulder at all.  Hopefully she will be able to enjoy Christmas.


The Lilly's said...

Poor Megan, that sucks to have surgery right before Christmas, and sucks even more that it will affect her season! Between me and you, I feel your pain because Steve just had knee surgery December 18. It is really hard taking care of someone and trying to get ready for Christmas at the same time. Hang in there! I wonder if they had the same surgeon?

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh man...that grossed me out looking at your should Meg!! You are so tough and I hope it starts feeling better. I have to laugh at the shaving picture..hahaha. Cute bum! What a loving mom to do that for you. Hang in there!