Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas with the Ericksons

Erickson's came for Christmas this year.  It was so much fun to have them here.  We ate lots of food, had lots of fun.  The kids went ice skating, played in the snow, lots of late nights, and movies.  Megan's shoulder is doing pretty good.  I slept down stairs with her the first few nights.  We slept down in the basement with her.  Char finally said "you have 5 extra beds in this house and I am sleeping on a futon mattress" DUH!! so then I got brave and slept in my own bed.  Oh how nice it was to be in my own bed :)  We shall see how it all goes on Wednesday when she goes back to school, and I got back to work.  Hopefully we can get it together and have her ready when her ride comes.  Sweet neighbor boys are going to take her to school for a while.  I don't want her driving into that mad house with one hand.