Tuesday, December 11, 2012

recent activites

 Sunday activity ~ building an upside down snowman, with the help from the neighbor.  I think it is pretty clever and cute.

 me and my cute girls ~ that I love so much
 Ice Skating with Santa.  Santa doesn't ice skate so not sure why its called that ~ but it is still fun. 

 cozy shoes
Just realized I never posted dance pictures of Megan.  Also this is the only picture of just here in her dress. "mother of the year" right here. 

It has been a while since my last post.  Lots going on at our house.  Haven't felt like updating much.  But I see the light at the end of the tunnel and we are hanging in there.   We have great neighbors and friends.  We are blessed :)  this last sentence is for my sweet frined Maryann.  She wanted to make the family blog :) 


The Lilly's said...

You look like more like the sister of those girls rather than the mom! They are both such pretty girls!