Monday, August 31, 2009

Family fun at the cabin

We took advantage of the cabin this last weekend. We took 2 four wheelers with us. The girls drove all over the place. They actually did very well. I am not ready for them to be on the rode by any means, but the dirt ones they did great. We only had 1 minor accident. Megan was driving Brandon and got the front tires stuck in a groove on the road and flipped over a little. Megan was fine, the picture is Brandon's arm all skinned up. We were very fortunate, it could of been a whole lot worse. We took the tv and some movies to watch. Between home and the cabin the tv broke. The first night we just played games. Saturday night we played games and watched Hannah Montana in Brandon's truck. His radio screen is a movie screen when the truck is parked. Yes we love Hannah so much we all watched her on a 4 x 6 screen. It was lots of fun. We had a great time :)

Four Wheeling at the Cabin

Mckenzie's new friend

Mckenzie fed this cute little guy so many times. He should be set for the winter. She had so much fun watching him and taking his picture, in case you couldn't tell :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom.........

We love and miss you!! Can't believe it's been 6 months.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of 8th grade.....

Yikes I can't believe Meg is in the 8th grade. It just doesn't seem possible that she can be so big. She was excited to go back to school. Don't worry she isn't weird like she was excited to hit the books. Of course not, she was excited to see her friends. Boy does she have a ton of those. Meg we are so proud of you, and love to see you grow up (just wish you would slow down)You are such a good girl. We are so happy with the decisions you makes daily. You are great sister and friend. We love you and hope you have a great year!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

She survived....

the first day of school. Yes there were tears. Of course she had the meanest teacher in the whole school (so she was told) didn't know anyone in her class(yeah right. She was worried about the same things I guess I was back in the day. She made it through the day, rode the bus home and had fun.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mckenzie getting her nails done...

I took Mckenzie to get her nails done. She only got her fingers painted. She had them painted pink with green polk a dots. They are very cute. She had just painted her toes Friday, I was fine with her only have her nails done :). She is officially ready for school tomorrow. A big 5th grader.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Char the dancer

Ok I couldn't resist. My dad found these tap shoes of my moms. Char thought she would be cool and make up a little dance for us. No sure what was more funny, her trying to dance or her huffing and puffing when she was finished.

Napa County Fair...

Haley got to dance at the fair. We went to watch her dance, she was great. We stayed the whole day and had lots of fun. The kids rode all the rides they wanted several times. The Erickson's cousins were there, so we hung out with them too. They all got along so well and had a great time.

It is official my kids are weird. We went to Napa before school starts, for a last get away. All the wanted to do was go to Vacaville to Gentrys to slide down their stairs on a mattress. We went there and the slid down the stairs maybe 4 times. I guess it wasn'tas fun as they thought. Anything with the Gentry family is fun. The kids grandparents are cousins. We are trying to figure out if that makes the kids 3rd cousins. No one really knows. It doesn't really matter either. We all just love to hang out. Thanks guys for the fun weekend.

Fosters with the Gentrys

Wendy brought the kids over to go swimming. After we had yummy tacos we went to Fosters. Grandpa took some in the Cadillac. That is always a treat. The car has been used more in the last six months than all last year.

2nd place goes to the Viperz!!!!!!!!!!!

Both girls had tournaments last weekend in Spanish Fork. Mckenzies team didn't do so good. Megans came in 2nd. They were not sad to be 2nd, they finally beat a team they haven't been able to beat all year. It was a fun weekend. Grandpa came from Napa. Grandma Coleman, Whit, Lindsay,Jonas,Livvy,Callie,my moms cousins, and one of Mckenzies team mates and her family came. Megan had the biggest cheering section. Thanks for all your support. It was fun

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jex Family Reunion....

Mckenzie spent most of her day at he lake collecting shells. She is taking a break, and counting all her treasures.

Brandon and Megan posing for the camera.

How do you like Brandon's skit costume?

Uncle Jr is a "GREAT" uncle. He fell asleep at the fire, Megan and Haley took full advantage of the situation. They painted his finger and toe nails.

We went to Napa for the annual family reunion. There were 148 people, it was a blast. We celebrated Great Grandma Bowens 100th Birthday! She was grumpy, but we had a party any way. My dad threw a great party. I asked him if all the hard work was worth it, of course he said "YES".

Jex Family Reunion....