Monday, August 31, 2009

Family fun at the cabin

We took advantage of the cabin this last weekend. We took 2 four wheelers with us. The girls drove all over the place. They actually did very well. I am not ready for them to be on the rode by any means, but the dirt ones they did great. We only had 1 minor accident. Megan was driving Brandon and got the front tires stuck in a groove on the road and flipped over a little. Megan was fine, the picture is Brandon's arm all skinned up. We were very fortunate, it could of been a whole lot worse. We took the tv and some movies to watch. Between home and the cabin the tv broke. The first night we just played games. Saturday night we played games and watched Hannah Montana in Brandon's truck. His radio screen is a movie screen when the truck is parked. Yes we love Hannah so much we all watched her on a 4 x 6 screen. It was lots of fun. We had a great time :)


Suz said...

I miss the cabin. That looks like fun.

The Lilly's said...

I didn't know you guys had a cabin. Wherever it is, it looks like beautiful country. What a good sport Brandon is to watch Hannah Montana!