Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jex Family Reunion....

Mckenzie spent most of her day at he lake collecting shells. She is taking a break, and counting all her treasures.

Brandon and Megan posing for the camera.

How do you like Brandon's skit costume?

Uncle Jr is a "GREAT" uncle. He fell asleep at the fire, Megan and Haley took full advantage of the situation. They painted his finger and toe nails.

We went to Napa for the annual family reunion. There were 148 people, it was a blast. We celebrated Great Grandma Bowens 100th Birthday! She was grumpy, but we had a party any way. My dad threw a great party. I asked him if all the hard work was worth it, of course he said "YES".


The Lilly's said...

Looks like a fun, and huge party! Tell Brandon pink is a great color on him!

Suz said...

WHAT A BLAST! I am sure Jr appreciated the Mani/pedi.

Anonymous said...

The funny this is on his way back to Oregon he stopped to eat and forgot about his mani/pedi. He didn't know why everyone was looking at him strange. It sucks when you are the first one asleep!
