Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of 8th grade.....

Yikes I can't believe Meg is in the 8th grade. It just doesn't seem possible that she can be so big. She was excited to go back to school. Don't worry she isn't weird like she was excited to hit the books. Of course not, she was excited to see her friends. Boy does she have a ton of those. Meg we are so proud of you, and love to see you grow up (just wish you would slow down)You are such a good girl. We are so happy with the decisions you makes daily. You are great sister and friend. We love you and hope you have a great year!!!


The Lilly's said...

She's such a pretty girl. Have fun fighting off the boys the next several years!

Suz said...

It is scares me how... mature she looks. I don't like it! Make her stop. LOL! I love you Meggers. You are a beauty!

Kimberly said...

She is so beautiful! Wow, how time flies! I am so sorry we missed you guys when you were in Spanish Fork. I was having a hard time with my recovery. I am hoping we can make a trip to Salt Lake to visit you. It would be great to get together.