Monday, August 17, 2009

She survived....

the first day of school. Yes there were tears. Of course she had the meanest teacher in the whole school (so she was told) didn't know anyone in her class(yeah right. She was worried about the same things I guess I was back in the day. She made it through the day, rode the bus home and had fun.


EmmaP said...

i remember one of kienna's first days of school; there were tears, and then she told me to suck it up while she ran off to play... hahaha!

poor McKenzie; the stress, the drama, the agony...glad she survived and had fun though!!! hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Sweet McKenzie how cute you look. Where has the time gone that my little Kenzie Girl is in the 5th grade? I love you so much,


The Lilly's said...

She looks adorable! I'm glad the day ended up going well for her.

Sandee said...

McKenzie always shines!