Thursday, December 29, 2011


 Megan and her cute buddy
 a family that dances together......
 Everyone doing reindeer dust to make sure Santa comes to see Maggie
 The girls with some stranger
 Christmas pajamas
 Brandon trying to wake up the sleepy heads
" look what Santa brought"
 Easton even got spoiled
The nice thing about the girls is theirs are fake.

Christmas Eve we went to Maggie's house and had dinner, a Christmas story and danced.  We came home and did our own thing.  Christmas we a great day.  Loved the weather NO SNOW :)  We did lots of laying around and doing a lot of nothing.  It was fabulous!  Some of the Coleman's came for dinner and hung out, and danced some more.  We love Just Dance 3, Santa also brought Glee Karaoke.  We have been rocking out.  Lots of family time at the Dorney house.  We will be sick of each other :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A little sunbathing and Christmas with the Gerbers

 I came up stairs to check on the dog, and this is what I found.  He was trying to lay in the sun.  It cracked me up so I had to take a picture.
We went to Gerber's for dinner last night.  Its always fun when we hang out.  Not too sure what the little ones are doing, but they sure love each other :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bingham Christmas Dance

 Megan got asked to the Christmas dance last week. 

 She answered likes this.  She wrote the answer in the can of Hot Chocolate.
 Carly made the snow angel in his room.
 For what ever reason you wear matching pajamas to this dance.  They went shopping the other day and came home with these.  They are sure cute.
We planned to go to CA this weekend.  Then Meg got asked to the dance.  So Brandon and Mckenzie flew out to see the Hoyts.  I was supposed to work today ( i never ever work on saturdays)   a friend took 3 of my shifts after Christmas if I would work today.  So DUH I agreed.  Forgetting about the dance and the trip to CA.  When I told Meg I had to work and she would be on her own.  She freaked out.  "No way that is like sending me to a desert island and never coming back for me" she said.   I said ok fine I will use my time at work and not go in.  We had a funeral in our ward today so I went to that.  I helped out in the kitchen with the food and the clean up.  Megan called me 3 times in a panic that I wasn't going to be home before she left.  As you can see there wasn't much to her getting ready.   I left the church quickly to get home to help her.  All she wanted was me to be home with her.  She was all ready, because they had hung out and played games earlier.  It sure is nice to be needed though.  It doesn't happen too much with this child.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Skate with Santa

Monday night we went to the Gallivan Center to go Ice Skating with Santa.  Well Santa doesn't skate, but he is there to have your pictures taken with him.  It was so cold that night, we didn't stay very long.  Mckenzie finally got the hang of it.  She wanted to be done ~ she said her skates were too wobbly.  I told her every ones skates were the same.  She said no theirs weren't wobbly.  She couldn't understand they were all the same skates.  Once she wasn't so "wobbly" she had a great time. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretty girls

The girls were outside being silly one day, and this is what we got.  Meg loves loves to take pictures.  She does a pretty good job, if I don't say so myself.  We went to Colorado for Thanksgiving.  Wouldn't you know it, I left the camera at home :( so no pictures of us all together.  Both my sisters live there now.  We had a great time being together.  We also spent some time with Brandons dad and Sandee.  This post is for you guys.  Nothing new here with our family, but didn't want to disapoint you with no posts :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

~ Let's go get our party on ~


"DISCO, DISCO" (I couldn't get my comb out)
                                                  "BABY I WAS BORN THIS WW-AA-YY"
Mckenzie came into the kitchen while I was making dinner and said "LETS GO GET OUR PARTY ON"
She has complained every Halloween for years that our house is NOT scary enough.  So Tuesday I went and got some "SCARY" stuff for next year.  I found these wigs for 2 bucks so I bought them.  She found them downstairs and began her new looks all by herself.   Yep she is weird!
All captions were done by Mckenzie herself :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween........

 Carving Pumpkins Sunday night

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
                     Super Man

 The girls came out to trick or treat in our neighborhood.  It was so fun to see them.
    Super Heros
 Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and Sister Kortz ~ couldn't find Elder Dorneys badge so he had to settle for mine :)  He is still cute regardless!
 I tried to make a frozen hand ~ but didn't have enough time for it to freeze.  The fingers broke off while taking it out of the glove :(
 They had so much fun last night. Gerbers came over for dinner and Trick or Treating.  Its so nice to have the kids old enough.  Us old folks got to hang out at home while the kids left.  Kenzie and Tayah were gone for forever.  We were talking and having fun, then realized we hadn't heard from the girls.  The older kids were back and down stairs watching a movie.  We called Mckenzie and Tayah and they were out having a ball, just the 2 of them :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Costume Central.....

 Megan and Carly getting their costume started.  We sewed their costumes ~ I made them participate and cut out the fabric.  Holy cow, they were so stressed.  I kept telling them, there wasn't much they could do to mess up the fabric.  It was fun to have someone to hang out with me while I was sewing.
Megan is helping Tayah with her costume.  They knocked out that tutu in record timing.  It took them about 40 minutes to get it cut and tied.  Way to go girls and its so cute.  We bought Mckenzies costume online this year.  Never again!  Of course it was too big.  I know shocker, she is such a big girl.  We had to take hers apart to make it smaller, and to make it not so cheesy.  She is putting the final touches on it here.  We are all ready for Halloween and trick or treating.  It should be so much fun.
                           Stay tuned for the real thing!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Gifts for Kids

 Sliding down the hill while the parents were deciding where we should eat for dinner.
 Go ahead run way to go Kenzie
 This cheer is a cheer Brandon does before every bracket home game.
 Tayah and Mckenzies first game together.  Doesn't she look good in RED??
 Way to go girls!
 2nd place

After game chat. 
We went to Mesquite last weekend.  The girls took 2nd place out of 26 teams from Utah,Nevada, Hawaii, and Arizona.  The Championship game was finished at 1:30am Saturday night.  It sure made for a long day.  The games were behind before they even started.  One of the Umps were late.  It made for a super long day with many hours between games.  I will say it was the funnest tournament since Meg played with Viperz.  The away tournaments are always the most fun.  You get to know the girls and their families.  Us moms sure had a fun time ~ and some dads!  1am many things seem real funny.  The games were great.  I haven't cheered like that in a long time.