Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas with the Ericksons

Erickson's came for Christmas this year.  It was so much fun to have them here.  We ate lots of food, had lots of fun.  The kids went ice skating, played in the snow, lots of late nights, and movies.  Megan's shoulder is doing pretty good.  I slept down stairs with her the first few nights.  We slept down in the basement with her.  Char finally said "you have 5 extra beds in this house and I am sleeping on a futon mattress" DUH!! so then I got brave and slept in my own bed.  Oh how nice it was to be in my own bed :)  We shall see how it all goes on Wednesday when she goes back to school, and I got back to work.  Hopefully we can get it together and have her ready when her ride comes.  Sweet neighbor boys are going to take her to school for a while.  I don't want her driving into that mad house with one hand. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas came early for Meg....

 This is so much fun ~ in the waiting room
 cheese ~ good thing I had to be here at 8:30
 oh this hurts so bad
 bye see you in a few hours
 lah lah land
 get me out of here, I just want to go home

About a year ago Megan hurt her shoulder in practice.  She complained and complained.  We went to Doctor after Doctor, sports medicine doctor, physical therapy.  We tried to ignore it, thinking she was being a bit of a baby.  A few months ago she woke up at 2:30 am crying because her shoulder hurt.  That is when I received "mother of the year" award.  She wouldn't be waking up at 2:30 just for the heck of it.  We made an appointment to get a MRI.  They had to use a needle to inject the dye to see what was going on.  It showed a torn labrum.  Her shoulder in loose genetically any way.  We met with the surgeon and the MRI was worse than we had thought.  So needless to say we opted for surgery.  Had we taken care of the problem a year ago, therapy may have solved the problem.  But since we said buck up she played with it and it got worse.  So she will miss high school ball completely and possibly some of summer ball.  Poor baby.  She wanted her legs shaved so I got to shave her legs, can't say I have ever shaved anyone else's legs.  She has to sleep on the recliner down stairs, so we have had sleepover since Thursday down in the basement.  For the most part she is doing well.  Drugs are great.  We have tried to go longer between pills.  Getting dressed is the worst, she can not move her shoulder at all.  Hopefully she will be able to enjoy Christmas.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

recent activites

 Sunday activity ~ building an upside down snowman, with the help from the neighbor.  I think it is pretty clever and cute.

 me and my cute girls ~ that I love so much
 Ice Skating with Santa.  Santa doesn't ice skate so not sure why its called that ~ but it is still fun. 

 cozy shoes
Just realized I never posted dance pictures of Megan.  Also this is the only picture of just here in her dress. "mother of the year" right here. 

It has been a while since my last post.  Lots going on at our house.  Haven't felt like updating much.  But I see the light at the end of the tunnel and we are hanging in there.   We have great neighbors and friends.  We are blessed :)  this last sentence is for my sweet frined Maryann.  She wanted to make the family blog :) 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mother Daughter date to Hawaii

 Hanging out in LAX airport .
 Yep this is were we slept.
 Yes she really wore these so she could sleep.
 Waiting for our first class seats to Hawaii :)
 Meg in heaven, we rented her dream car.
 We were at the swap meet and we saw a team mate of Megs. 

 Showering after hanging out at the beach.
this is how we got ready for our flight home.  In the parking lot.  Quick trip but it was fun to get away and hang out with my girls.
One would think getting your girls to fly to Hawaii would be easy.  No not so much with Megan.  She didn't really want to go.  We all but had to beg her.  But she knew she would have fun, and of course she did.  We went to the swap meet for a few hours and did some shopping.  Then we went to the beach, and hung out.  Lots of fun.  Note to self.  If you are not renting a hotel do not get a jeep.  Every time we left the car we had to put up the top and oh what a pain it was.  But they had lots of fun, and I enjoy my job again :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Quick trip to Honolulu

 When we landed in LAX we taxied past the Endeavor Shuttle
 Our slumber party in the LAX airport
 Our purpose to fly across the pond
 Oh what a life
Take the convertable so you don't have to wait for the compact car.

Who carries a purse like this?  no those are not suckers, yes those are condoms, it case you cant see it.  Yes I know the date on my camera was wrong, the batteries fell out and I didn't update it.

Last weekend I was going to go to CO to visit my sisters.  Well security was so busy I missed my flight, so I decided to go to Hawaii. Yes Hawaii, we were actually in the air long than on the Island.  But trust me it was so worth the trip.  To sit on the beach and soak up the sun and the beauty of Hawaii.  It was so fabulous I am going back today with the girls.  They want to go to the beach, so what better beach to spend 6 hours on :)  We slept in the LAX airport.  The flight from Salk Lake got to LA at 11pm left at 8:45 am to Hawaii landed at 11:45am and left at 8:55pm.  It was one of the funnest trips I have taken in a long time.  I invited myself to go along with my work friends.  They were going to go to

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cottonwood Homecoming

 getting a little help for sister..they are so cute together

 How many dads does it take?
 Hooker shoes that are so cute
Yippe I can now post from work again.  Bad thing is I dont have all the picutres from the Dance.  Tevita wasnt going to go to his Homecoming, but his friends begged him to go with them.  Well a week before you cant really ask just anyone, so who better than your best friend   He asked her all cute and they had a great time. They are a hot looking couple if I dont say so myself.  Dances are always fun when you go with a friend.  Never even worried about her.